webEdition Version SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS PHP 5.2.4 or newer MySQL Server Version 4.1 or newer Please set "session.auto_start" to false in your PHP configuration INSTALLATION 1. unzip the archive webEdition_{VERSION}.zip and upload its contents to your web server directly into the DOCUMENT_ROOT 2. check all file permissions. The webserver has to have write access to the DOCUMENT ROOT and the webEdition directory. You can do that with a ftp application, i.e. filezilla. IMPORTANT: do not use a 0777 file mask on a shared hosting environment!!! 3. start your favourite web browser (please check our browser compatibility list on the website) and open the following url: http://YOURDOMAIN/setup.php 4. Follow the instructions of this small configuration script 5. Enter your database access parameters If all went well you should be able to start webEdition with this url: http://YOURDOMAIN/webEdition/index.php IMPORTANT: Once you have successfully configured your new webEdition installation, delete this setup script in order to prevent damage by misuse. Please visit our website for more informations about webEdition http://www.webedition.org